Other facilities at Dählhölzli Zoo

In the outdoor area of the Dählhölzli Zoo there are other enclosures, such as those of the European wildcat, the European ground squirrel, the broad-edged tortoise, the Asia Minor mountain otter and the black storks. The latter share their enclosure with the moor ducks and goldeneyes.


The facilities in the entrance area

The entrance to the Dählhölzli Zoo opens up a colourful world of birds. While the flamingos on the left greet all guests with loud chatter, the now rare capercaillies hide in the aviaries on the right of the path. In spring, the cackling and grinding mating sounds of the capercaillie rival the chatter of the flamingo. The capercaillies share the aviaries with little owls and rough-legged owls. In the secondary aviaries, the alpine crows make their presence felt, followed by the alpine grouse, who search the ground for grains.

If you take a few steps towards the entrance, a beach area with avocets and corncrakes awaits guests.

Other facilities on the Aare

Up the Aare, after the new AareAlpen enclosure, come the enclosures of the Bezoar goats and the wild boars. Between the playground in front of the children’s zoo and the Dählhölzli restaurant, near the turning area, the raccoons and tanuki have their home.

Lynx facility

The lynx’s spacious enclosure stretches along the forest slope towards the Aare, right next to the bison forest. If you walk along the forest path, you can spot the shy lynx in the dense undergrowth with a little patience.

Ein Luchs schaut in die Kamera
Ein Luchs versteckt sich hinter Geäst
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