Wolf-Bear Forest

For the two Ussuri brown bears, the BärenWald became their new home in March 2012. The enclosure is convincing primarily because of its size and rich structure, but also because of the possibility for the neighbouring wolves to enter the BärenWald via a bear-proof passage.

In this way, the two large carnivores also meet in the zoo on their forays, just as they do in the wild. Community enclosures are a behavioural enrichment for the animals. However, it is important that the needs of each species are met and that the supposedly weaker animal can withdraw. In 2019, the Zoo succeeded for the first time in reuniting bears with the then Bernese leader wolves “Amarouk” and “Juliette”, who also raised their cubs in communal housing in the months that followed. Since 2021, we have had a new pair of lead wolves, which were successfully reunited with the bears after their hibernation in April 2022. Now our guests enjoy the varied communal enclosure and bear and wolf daily encounters.

The wolves’ and bears’ enclosures were extensively reforested, renovated and improved after the storm “Burglind”.

In the BärenHaus visitor centre, our visitors enjoy a unique insight into the swimming pool and the bear enclosure. Inside the impressive building made of natural stone and solid wood, young and old will find all kinds of educational information about the bears – and about humans!

The building won the Prix Lignum Gold in 2012.

Misha und Masha im Teich der Bärenanlage im Dählhölzli

The two Ussuri brown bears live in the BärenWald in the Dählhölzli Zoo.

The wolf enclosure features many hiding places and retreats
The wolf enclosure features many hiding places and retreats
Wölfin steht auf einem Stein und schaut in die Kamera
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