Our bears in the BearPark
Brown bears are the largest land predators currently living in Europe. Learn interesting facts about their biology and get to know the inhabitants of the BearPark.
“Björk” (Swedish for birch) was born on 19.12.2000 at Skandinavisk Dyrepark Kolind in Denmark. On 6 May 2004, she came to Bern Animal Park, Dählhölzli, together with her sister “Barba”; “Barba” moved to the Wildnispark Zurich – Langenberg on 10.01.2008, and “Finn” from Helsinki came to Bern Animal Park as a replacement. Together with “Finn”, “Björk” moved to the BearPark at the beginning of October 2009. “Björk” is the mother of “Ursina” and “Berna”.

“Finn” was born on 15.01.2006 in Helsinki Zoo, Finland. On 17.03.2008 he came to Bern Animal Park, where he got on very well with “Björk” from the very beginning. “Finn” loves to bathe. He is the father of “Ursina” and “Berna”.

“Ursina” is the twin sister of “Berna”. Both were born in December 2009 in a winter den in the BearPark. Her mother is “Björk” and her father is “Finn”. “Ursina” lives together with father “Finn” and mother “Björk” in the BearPark. She loves to play with “Finn” and bathing is also one of her favourite activities.

“Berna” is the twin sister of “Ursina”. Born to “Björk” and “Finn” in a winter den in the BearPark in December 2009, “Berna” left the BearPark on 22 July 2013: After increasing conflicts with her mother “Björk”, the responsible persons decided to remove “Berna” from the group. She now lives in a new, animal-friendly facility at Dobric Zoo (Bulgaria). Bern Animal Park accompanied the construction of the bear enclosure there.