
Nahaufnahme von einem Schwalbenschwanz

More diversity in the BearPark

The BearPark is located in the middle of the city of Bern. The large area with the bear enclosure and the surrounding areas has great potential to provide an urban habitat for numerous regional animal and plant species. All the more so as the Aare and the adjacent forest of the park «Englische Anlagen» are important ecological connecting elements. With targeted, site-appropriate measures, the entire area is to be upgraded to create an urban meadow with many different elements and structures that provide habitats for regional animal and plant species.


  • Upgrading the BearPark area and professional maintenance
  • Raising awareness among the population about biodiversity and its importance
  • Pointing out possibilities for action in one’s own garden as well as in one’s own environment
Eine Urbane Wiese in Buempliz
Photo: Christian Flück
Nahaufnahme von einem Schwalbenschwanz

Promoting the diversity of the meadows in and near the BearPark

A colourful bouquet of measures is to enhance the urban meadows at BearPark.

The existing hedges of native woody plants are to be preserved, properly maintained and, where appropriate, extended.

Forest edge / forest
The forest edge and the piece of forest (part of the park «Englische Anlagen») are currently in an ecologically valuable condition. The stepped forest edge, the deadwood and the old trees are to be preserved in the long term.

Individual trees
From a biodiversity point of view, the huge, old ash tree is particularly valuable. This is monitored and maintained by specialists from Stadtgrün Bern. Other individual trees in the area will be preserved.

Dry meadow
The large meadow represents a very large ecological potential. With targeted measures and an appropriate maintenance concept, a species-rich dry meadow is to be created. Dry meadows are among the most species-rich sites, serving as a habitat or food source for numerous animal species (insects, birds, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles). The resulting cuttings can be used in the Bern Animal Park for the various herbivores.

Wetland sites
Water leaks in the upper part of the slope. Within the framework of the project, it should be clarified whether wetland sites can be realised at various locations. Wet sand sites provide habitats for animal species such as dragonflies, amphibians, reptiles and birds.

Small structures
Small structures such as branch piles, rock piles, sandy areas, dry stone walls are particularly valuable. They serve as shelter or hibernation sites for many small animals (hedgehogs, common toads, insects) or are even a prerequisite for the animals to use the habitat (ermine, weasel).

Nature trail hedge groves
Along the existing sloping path across the meadow down to the Aare, exemplary native shrubs are to be planted. An information board will be created for each shrub, providing information about the shrub, flowering season, colour, fruit and which native animals can benefit from this shrub. The aim is to encourage people to plant native, ecologically valuable shrubs in their garden or on their terrace instead of exotic forsythia, cherry laurel or lilac.


  • Small mammals
  • Birds
  • Insects
  • Amphibians
  • Reptiles

What we use your nature conservation francs (Naturschutzfranken) for

  • Create and promote species-rich meadows
  • Preserve and maintain hedges
  • Stepped forest edge
  • Create small structures: Wood piles, rock piles, sandy areas


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