Nature Conservation Franks (Naturschutzfranken) – Donations to the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Fund

The nature conservation franc flows into the pot of the nature and species conservation fund. The fund is managed by the financial administration and 100% of the money is at the disposal of the Bern Animal Park. It is tax-exempt and you will receive a donation receipt from us.

Would you like to support the Bern Animal Park in its efforts to protect nature and species? Donate to the nature and species conservation fund! The zoo is committed to selected Nature conservation projects with this fund for the protection and conservation of habitats, endangered animals and thus the preservation of biodiversity in Switzerland.

Donate online – easily with credit card

Select the Nature and Species Conservation Fund in the form.

Donate securely and quickly with TWINT


Online banking

Scan the QR code on the payment slip or enter manually:

IBAN: CH60 0079 0020 9723 0610 9

Account: Berner Kantonalbank AG, 3011 Bern

Beneficiary (Please specify mandatory!): Einwohnergemeinde Stadt Bern, Tierpark Bern, Dählhölzli + BärenPark, Bundesgasse 33, 3011 Bern

Enter under “additional information”: Nature and species protection

Pay-in slip

Call us on +41 31 321 15 13 and we will be happy to send you a payment slip by post.

Are you interested in the legal basis for the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Fund?

Are you interested in the projects on the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Fund?

Frequently asked questions on the subject of nature conservation francs

What happens with the money for the nature conservation franc?

The money flows into the fund for nature and species conservation and is then distributed to the Projects distributed, which the zoo supports. To the Fund for Nature and Species Conservation

Can the visitor also decide where the money should be used?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. Our experts decide which Projects to what extent it makes sense to support them.

Does the money for the nature conservation franc go 1:1 into projects?

Yes. That’s why the zoo has set up its own fund specifically for nature and species conservation. This ensures that the money goes 1:1 into the projects for nature and species conservation. To the Fund for Nature and Species Conservation

Where can you find information about which projects are supported?

The individual projects are described in more detail here: To our nature conservation projects

Are only projects in Switzerland supported?

No, it also supports individual projects abroad, such as artificial coral reefs. To our nature conservation projects

Can I see the projects?

Where possible, we will conduct guided tours of the projects and / or present information boards about them.

Do you HAVE to pay the extra franc?

No, it is voluntary, but the animals and nature are happy about every franc. Thank you for your support!

Is it possible to donate larger sums?

Yes, that would be great! The projects can only be carried out if enough money has gone into the pot. You will find information here on how to donate online or by paying-in slip. Thank you for your support!

If not enough money can be raised, will the projects still be supported?

No, we can only support projects outside the zoo area to the extent that we can collect donations. We cannot and must not spend more than we have collected through donations to the nature and species conservation fund.

Do children also have to pay?

Of course, we are happy if children over the age of 6 also pay the franc. But it is a voluntary contribution. Thank you for your support!

It is called “nature conservation francs”. Why are 10 francs charged in some cases and not just one?

With an annual pass you can visit the zoo several times within a year, so an amount of CHF 10 has been used here. Whether – and how much – you want to donate is ultimately up to you. The more donations we receive, the more nature conservation projects we can support.

How much money does it take to support a project?

It varies from project to project how much money is budgeted, depending on the proposed objectives and measures. Also, some projects are divided into multi-stage phases with small sub-budgets.

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