We are here for you!

With heart, charm and expertise, the team of the Bern Animal Park gives multifaceted space to the well-being of our animals and the well-being of our guests!

Director: Dr. Friederike von Houwald
Deputy Director and Head of Projects Section: Jürg Hadorn
Team Projects
Veterinarian: Dr. Stefan Hoby
Curator and Co-Head of the Animals Section: Meret Huwiler
Animal Care Team 1
Curator and Co-Head of the Animals Section: Dina Gebhardt
Animal Care Team 2
Head of Communication and Marketing Section: Dr. Doris Slezak
Communication and Marketing Team
Head of Personnel and Finance Section: Manuela Künzi
Human Resources & Finance Team and Cashiering Team
Head of Education and Experience Section: Cornelia Mainini
Education and Experience Team
Volunteer Team Dählhölzli
BearPark Section Leader: Peter Schlup
BearPark Volunteer Team

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